Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of Ganapati, the elephant-headed god. As per tradition, various pujas are organised and modaks are distributed as prasad. Milk is offered To idols of Ganesha placed at homes, temples and pandals. Fasts, feasts, sweets are the integral part of this festival. Preparations for this festival begin months prior To the festival. The skilled artisans get set To create the idols of Ganapati, big or small, and in various poses. Lord Ganesha, the god of wisdom, prosperity and knowledge is believed To remove all obstructions from one 's life. Ganesh Chaturthi being the most popular of all Maharashtra festivals is celebrated with splendour and zeal. The festival is celebrated for five, seven or ten days depending upon the family cusToms. Many cultural activities are held during these days of festivities that add on the charisma of the festival. On the tenth and the last day, devotees submerge the idols of the Lord in water, with an earnest request To return sooner next year. They Too have a faith that the Lord will take their every distress with him while going.
www.ganeshchaturthigifts.com, Shopping, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of Ganapati, the elephant-headed god. As per tradition, various pujas are organised and modaks are distributed as prasad. Milk is offered To idols of Ganesha placed at homes, temples and pandals. Fasts, feasts, sweets are the integral part of this festival. Preparations for this festival begin months prior To the festival. The skilled artisans get set To create the idols of Ganapati, big or small, and in various poses. Lord Ganesha, the god of wisdom, prosperity and knowledge is believed To remove all obstructions from one\'s life. Ganesh Chaturthi being the most popular of all Maharashtra festivals is celebrated with splendour and zeal. The festival is celebrated for five, seven or ten days depending upon the family cusToms. Many cultural activities are held during these days of festivities that add on the charisma of the festival. On the tenth and the last day, devotees submerge the idols of the Lord in water, with an earnest request To return sooner next year. They Too have a faith that the Lord will take their every distress with him while going.,